Thursday, June 4, 2009


「今日、弥栄子と喜世実は おいしい園へ行きました。桃子は ウェーターです。」
   桃子:いらっしゃいませ。 ここに すわってください。どうぞ、メンユーです。


   弥栄子:はい、ありがとう。てのうらと あの。。。ケーキください。


   喜世実:すみません、そばは 何ですか。

   桃子:そばは バックウェートから 作っています。

   喜世実:そうですか。ありがとう ございます。そばと まきずしください。


   弥栄子:喜世実さん、今年の夏休みは 何がしたいですか。

   喜世実:家族と カナダへ行きたいです。弥栄子は。

   弥栄子:寝たいです。そして、友だちと デリークイーングへ行きたいです。仕事はしますか。


   弥栄子:仕事は 何ですか。

   喜世実:ミネアポリス公園で 仕事をします。





   桃子:すみません、これは てのうらと ケーキです。そして、これは そばと まきずしです。どうぞ。


The Cat and the Hat Project

Option #2: Evaluative Essay

In the beginning and in the middle of the story the Cat was dominated by the id. The Cat is dominated by the id because at the beginning of the story the Cat wanted to play games with the Narrator and Sally. The Cat did not consider the Narrator and Sally's opinion and went on to play inside their house. Although the children did not say anything to the Cat the fish did. The Fish did not allow the Cat to be playing in the house; and the Cat ignored his opinions, and kept on playing games. And so the Cat continues to ignore the Fish's command throughout the whole story. When a person plays a game that they enjoy they would most likely have a smile on their face. This same look applys to the Cat. The Cat also has a smile onhis face when he was showing his tricks to the children. This is an example of him showing how he wants to play more games and show more tricks to the children.

In the middle of the story he brought in two things: thing 1 and thing 2. This shows how heis an id because he does not again consider what the children thought along with the Fish. The Cat goes with what he thinks and let thing 1 and 2 run around the children's house making a mess.

At the ending of the story the Cat became an ego. How he became an ego is that the children finally spoke up and told the Cat to leave. He did but came back again to clean up his mess that thing 1 and thing 2 caused.