Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Memories

Do you remember the first time you start to remember things around you?
Like for example, you do not remember everything from when you were born.
And then, all of a sudden you just see and know and remember things around you.
Don't you find that kind of weird?
And mysterious?
Going on, my first time remembering my life so far is skipping down the stairs and running into the living room.
I was small, and I don't know how old I was.
I believe I went upstairs to get something....and was happy?
That was my first time I remembered about my life.
Weird that it is still stuck in my head for almost 16 years.
The image is kind of fuzzy but I can still make it out.
I think I was wearing a pink shirt and had short hair.
So...I was wondering, when my little brother, who's 3 years old, grows older what will he remember first?

1 comment:

  1. haha that is weird.. but yeah i do that too... lol my first memory was a at my old house... is a baby and crying in a crib.. and it was dark.. than thats all i remember... kinda creepy isnt it...
